The Grrinch

Using AI to Reimagine a Holiday Mischief-Maker

Hey there,

I’ve been experimenting with a few different AI tools, and in today’s letter, I’ll demonstrate two of them.

And given that I am going to be performing at our family christmas party, this weekend, today’s letter is going to be built around the lyrics from the song “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch“.


Here is the AI tech stack that I used while writing this letter:

  • GPT-4

    • As a sounding board, and for generating 70% of the imagery.

  • Midjourney V5

    • For generating the 30% of the imagery.

Alright - let’s get into this. 🎄😈

The Grrinch

(for copyright reasons, this Grrinch will have an extra ‘r’… 🤷🏼‍♂️)

The Grrinch

I could really use your help with tracking down the Grrinch shown above.

If you haven’t heard of him, then listen up, he has these characteristics:

He is as cuddly as a cactus…

He is as charming as an eel…

He’s just a bad banana with a greasy black peel.

Honestly, he’s a monster.

His heart is an empty hole…

His brain is full of spiders…

Microscopic view of Grrinch’s brain cells.

As you can see in the above image, he has spider-like organisms growing throughout his brain.

He also has garlic in his soul. I believe it looks something like this:

And to give you an idea of how repulsed I am by the Grrinch - I wouldn’t touch him with a 39.5 foot pole! 

“39.5 foot pole“ size reference

But we’ve gotta track this guy down because, as you’ve read so far (and as you will read below), this guy is just no good!

He must be apprehended at all costs.

If you see him smile, it will look something like this:

Grrinch has a termite infestation in his teeth.

And this guy is downright MEAN. He has the all tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile…

And if I had to pick between the two of them, I’d definitely choose the seasick crocodile (no contest)!

The three words that best describe him are as follows:

  • Stink

  • Stank

  • Stunk

Visual depictions of these words can be found below:

Stink, Stank, Stunk

I hope you are starting to get the idea about this guy, but if I haven’t made my point clear at this point, just take a look at the sandwich below.

It is all that I have left to describe him.

He’s a triple-decker sourkraut and toadstool sandwich…

With arsenic sauce!

I could continue rattling off descriptions of him for many hours, but I think we should wrap things up here.

If you or someone you know has information on the whereabouts of Grrinch, please reach out to me directly.

