Why I’m On A Plane To Egypt

(it has nothing to do with pyramids)

Dear Friend,

Well, I'll be real with you. I never intended to be writing this letter from an airplane enroute to Cairo, Egypt.

Let me explain...

After a few flight delays and some bad luck, I missed a very important flight from Toronto to Manila.

I really needed to be on that flight, because I’ll be living in the Philippines for the next 3 months.

So after some 4 AM web-searching from the floor of the airport, I found a convoluted but affordable route through Egypt (and Qatar).

Which is why I’m writing this from an airplane bound for Cairo.

This adventure has barely begun and it is already teaching me a great deal.

Today’s letter is basically going to be a mid-travel report packed with fresh insights, accessible advice, and good intentions.

4 Insights From This Trip So Far

Convert chaos into adventure

When things don’t go according to plan, and you are thrust into chaos, start looking at it as an adventure. This perspective will make everything fresh and exciting, instead of just overwhelming.

If you want to grow, then be prepared to struggle a bit

Growth happens just outside of your comfort zone. Accept that when you are experiencing discomfort, it is helping you grow in some way.

Less money, more problems

Saving money is great, but going cheap will bring problems. Accept that there are going to be more obstacles if you try to cut corners.

Strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet

When you are surrounded by people you don’t know, remember that although they are strangers, if you sat with them for a few minutes, you would find that you have a lot more in common than you think.

3 Intentions Going Into The Next 3 Months

I’ll be traveling solo in and around Manila, Philippines for the next 3 months, so I’m edifying my mindset, so that I can get the most out of this adventure.

Embrace the unknown

I’ve accepted that I’m going to be in a lot of unfamiliar situations. I’ll get the most personal enrichment if I focus on being resourceful, curious and am willing to adapt.

Expand my network

I’m going to be surrounded by a whole lot of people, from unique backgrounds. Building relationships with the people I meet is going to make me feel at home within the unfamiliar. New connections will also bring new opportunities and fresh perspectives.

Serve others

I know I’ll be presented with countless opportunities to help other people. When you become strong, you have a responsibility to lift other people up.

2 Pieces Of Advice

Don’t forget a spoon

The only thing know that I’ve forgotten so far is a long metal spoon. You never know when you are going to need one, but I’m already wishing that I had mine.

Don’t assume good design

In this world of “User Experience” and “Customer Journeys“, it can be easy to forget that not everywhere you go will be intuitive. This became crystal clear to me as I was wandering around aimlessly through the Toronto Airport after missing my flight. Disengage your autopilot, especially when you are going into unknown situations.

1 Question I’m Asking Myself Right Now

As I was laying on the floor of the Toronto airport, looking at the situation I was in, this is a question that I was seriously asking myself:

Why go so far outside of your comfort zone?

I was already exhausted, and my trip had just become more expensive and complex.

I’m not really sure if I have the answer to this question yet, but one thing I know is that growth will happen outside of your comfort zone.

If something is challenging, you should ask yourself what lesson you are supposed to be learning from it.

Final thoughts…

At the time of this writing I’ve safely arrived in Manila. I’ve been in 5 countries in the last 3 days. My trip went from being 22 hours long to 58 hours long.

I’m exhausted.

But as the plane was descending into the Philippines, my chest was filled with the warmth of excitement.

I know that this is going to be a life-changing trip, and I know that the struggle of the past few days will be well-worth it.

All the best,
